P-05-935 Ban Pavement Parking - Pavement Promise, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 21.10.20


I am pleased with the response from the transport minister and the task force.

I feel that it is a good step forward.

I am pleased that it has been experienced first hand and also community opinions have been listened to.


We are pleased that some action will be taken with regards to local authorities having the ability To issue fines in 2022.

We are pleased that it is being taken seriously.

I also fully support an awareness campaign as this is one thing we have been trying to do as so many people do not think about how others may struggle.


I am a bit unsure of how this will be enforced?.

I also wonder how people will report and issues they have and If they will be taken into consideration if their area is not considered to be a hotspot for this issue.

If a person was to report an issue how long will it take to be dealt with?.


Will the awareness campaign begin earlier to prepare the local communities before the new enforcement begins?.

I feel this would be a good idea so there is more understanding and knowledge for those driving to park responsibly to allow everyone to get around safely.